To answer your question, structural interviewing is a kind of quantitative research method that is commonly used in survey research. This approach or method is to guarantee that all interviews that are presented have the exact same questions in order.
The answer you are looking for is a "compromise". Both sides will give something up so they are equal in the end giving them a compromise
The correct option is A: Perform a strategic systems analysis
Strategic systems analysis provides an overall analysis aimed at providing your business with a lasting business advantage. It gives a firm the tool for survival and allows a firm or intending firm to understand what is needed for future success. This provides an alignment with IT and the business and information systems is effectively used to provide you with what other competitors are doing out there and the ways in which you can be competitive in the market. Hence, this is the first step required that needs to be done by the distributor if he wants to see the benefits of implementing new information systems.
The reason why vehicle skids are most likely occur is because of the roads are too slippery to go through that made vehicle slide, another thing, the reason could be because drivers are too fast in driving that could make their car skid because driving too fast could make the car unbalance as it turns to different directions. As vehicle skids, it could lead to accidents, harming not only the driver but to other drivers around them.