Everyone can communicate with one another through the medium of music because it transcends language barriers. Because of this, it has become one of the things that has the most power over people and has the most influence on their lives.
Parents in every part of the world are of the opinion that music should be regulated for a variety of reasons. One of the arguments is that restricting certain forms of music will lead to a decrease in the number of people attempting s_icide. This is due to the fact that there are a significant amount of songs that discuss someone committing s_icide or hurting others. Music ought to be risk-free.
People think that music should be regulated for a variety of reasons, one of which is the belief that doing so will minimise the amount of exposure to drvg use and s3xual content. People can be seen engaging in s3xual activity as well as drvg use in many of the music videos that go viral. Therefore, individuals assume that prohibiting these types of songs will lessen their likelihood of being exposed to these acts.
Some people feel that music will improve as a result of laws that prohibit the performance of particular types of music.
it's over around 200 words, i believe, and you can change it up to your liking. consider this to be a prompt. you're welcome.
Nuclear family.
A nuclear family typically composes of a husband and wife (married parents) with kids (whether biological or adopted).
While nuclear families percentage has been on a decline through history, it is still the dominant form of family, making up ~18% of all households in more current US history. The downward shift can be attributed to the <em>shift of beliefs against the nuclear family</em>, in which new cultures such as hookup culture and the destruction of traditional masculinity and femininity traits have led to the failure of the man to stay to provide, and causing the single-parent family to spike drastically. The uptick in LGBTQ+ have further led to the deflation of nuclear family levels, and have seen a decline of birthrate by 2-4%.On top of decline in birthrates, families outside of the nuclear family typically see a large percentage of increase in crimes, with single-parent homes seeing a 10% increase for the child to commit crimes. When people think of non-nuclear families, they typically think of the LGBTQ+ movement, which sees a 5% incarceration rate, <em>2 points higher than the average population.</em>
Learn more about the Nuclear family, here: - Difference between Nuclear and extended family. - Difference between descent groups and nuclear families.
Answer and Explanation:
Socioemotional selectivity theory. Abbreviated SST was developed by by Stanford psychologist Laura L. Carstensen.
The socioemotiinal selective theory is a life-span theory of motivation. This theory suggests that older adults as they get older become selective with social interactions so that theyvseek only positive emotional relationship and systematically hone their social networks in a way that available social partners satisfy their emotional needs.
e. Constructive feedback
Constructive feedback refers to a feedback that given with the intention to improve the work result of another person rather than using it as an attack toward that person.
To initiate constructive feedback properly, we need to overlook other person's personal identity and put more focus on the work process that that person did wrong. We also need to give suggestion on how it should be done instead in order to achieve better outcomes.