Quick Information
Height 5 feet 11 inches 182 centimeters 1.82 meters
Weight 69 kg 152 lbs
Chest 43 inches
Waist 33 inches
"The leader should provide specific feedback for positive performance."
"The leader should elicit feedback from peers, followers, and higher authority."
Manipulative skills such as throwing, catching, kicking, striking and trapping, dribble, overhand throw, and underhand roll.
Not really understanding
The answer would be A. Muscle Cramp
because that is the only option shown here that someone doesn't need to go to the E.R. for. For example, if you try massaging a hairline fracture, there's a good chance you'll break someones bone.
Yes, fluid accumulates in a lot of places but I’d definitely need a more detailed question to be able to answer you