The Hanahaki Disease is a disease in which a person grows flowers from their lungs because of unrequited love.
In a more detailed example: “Hanahaki Disease (花吐き病) is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings (romantic love only; strong friendship is not enough), or when the victim dies. It can be cured through surgical removal, but when the infection is removed, the victim's romantic feelings for their love also disappear.”
Organic Farming
-uses techniques to protect the environment.
-requires skill.
-grown without pesticides
Conventional Farming
-high rates of production.
-raise animals.
Motor Unit Summation<span> - the degree of contraction of a skeletal muscle is influenced by the number of </span>motor units<span> being stimulated (with a </span>motor unit<span> being a </span>motor<span>neuron plus all of the muscle fibers it innervates; see diagram below).</span>
Girls: in between 8 and 13
Boys: in between 9 and 14
It doesn’t specify what gender I’d go with answer B
He probably suffers from lactose intolerance.
Suffering from lactose intolerance doesn't mean you have to eliminate all kind of lactose from your diet, will depend on the degree of intolerance of the person and the food, since not all lactose have the same concentration
. For example yogurts go through a fermentation process, and have a low lactose concentration, with cheeses, it is recommended to consume those with a greater degree of maturity, since the greater the maturity the less amount of lactose they will contain.