Alcohol affects your ability to make decisions and think clealry, therefore affecting the choices you make. it very much affects your judgement.
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The only one that would make sense not doing is breathing in slowly because you want the medicine to go in quickly to the airways and not get stuck in your mouth.
skeletal system and the muscular system,
Muscles are attached to the skeleton and work assuming that the skeleton is there; for example, there is no muscle that makes sure you don't bend the middle of your arm, as it's stable because there is a bone in it. Basically, the skeleton is a scaffolding for the muscles.
the skeletal system and the nervous system,
Many nerves run along the skeleton, or even inside the bones, and the bones protect the nerves; for example in the spinal cord
the muscular system and the nervous system.
The Nervous system controls the muscles; it sends the muscles commands
sports anemia is a false anemia and a beneficial adaptation to aerobic exercise, caused by an expanded plasma volume that dilutes red blood cells.
Information entering the brain ,and then organized and transformed into memory storage
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