
Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton .
Formal operational stage
Jean Piaget develop a theory of cognitive development, according to which, children and teenagers go through different stages in the process of cognitive development. Each stage is qualitatively different from each other and as they go through stages, their thinking go through changes, from thinking based on actions to thinking based on ideas.
The last stage of his theory is called the formal operational stage and it takes place between age of 12 and up. During this stage, adolescents start to think abstractly and reason about hypothetical problems, they are also able to formulate hypothesis and test them in order to find theories and solutions to different problems based on abstract thought, they are able to consider different possibilities in an argument and to see the pros and cons of every possibility.
In this example, Janie prepared several hypothetical arguments that her opponents might raise and how she might reply. We can see that she is <u>thinking in an abstract way and reasoning about hypothetical problems (what her opponents might say), she is considering different possibilities that might arise in the debate and see how she would respond to them</u>. Thus, she is likely in the formal operational stage.
In this situation, this wording is the clear example that energy IS NOT LOST BUT IS TRANSFORMED.
The galvanic currents that occur within the batteries, and the chemical reactions that occur within them without our realizing it, without energy emitters, energy that is capable of heating devices causing their temperature to rise, or even as it was mentioned that a small lamp lights up ... how does this happen? the energy is never lost, but is transformed, that chemical energy generated within the battery, transfers to the lamp generating the emission of photons and thus generating light, or in the case of generating heat, promotes exotherm by means of a conductive body .
Stamp Act. Parliament's first direct tax on the American colonies, this act, like those passed in 1764, was enacted to raise money for Britain.