Debate is unlimited in the Senate and all members have opportunity to influence legislation.
The rules for the debate in house are Question of privilege, Withdrawal of motion, Bill. Party leaders and committees function differently in the house and Senate.
The House Of Representatives elects a speaker who has great control. The four powers and procedures of the senates are impeachment, expulsion, censure, contested senate elections. The senates refers to record votes as "rollcall votes" in the house.
When they see your struggling
someone calls 911 the law enforment, then depening on the situation they call the fire demarment or the ambulance or a police officer goes to the location
The Corpus Juris Civilis, created by order of Byzantine Emperor Justinian I to compile the laws in force at the time, would become a vital foundation for both the civil law and common law traditions.
1. yes. like the jim crow laws. they discriminated against african americans and made things very unfair. it was completely legal, but not moral at all. it’s very inhuman to treat others like that
2. yes. like helping a holocaust victim escape or hide from the nazi’s. it was illegal but people wanted to do it to help and protect them