According to Michener, DeLamater and Myers, a symbol is an arbitrary form that is used to refer to ideas, feelings, intentions or any other subject. It is arbitrary because there is nothing intrinsic in the symbol that inevitably links it to the subject it symbolizes.
There are several symbols that exist in our society that are understood by most people. When we wave, most people understand that this movement indicates a salutation (we are saying "hello"). Another example is raising a middle finger, which is considered obscene.
A symbol that I share with only one other person is a high-five in the air. I use this with my best friend, even if we are far away, when I want to show admiration or praise.
Answer: The Eastern Roman Empire lasted for 1,000 years longer than the Western Roman Empire:
Explanation: The eastern Roman empire known as the Byzantine Empire lasted 1,000 years more than the western Roman Empire because, In 330, Constantine I (Constantine the 1st) decided to make Constantinople the new seat of the Roman Empire; it could be said that this was the real starting date of the Byzantine Empire. While the Western Roman Empire crumbled and fell by 476, the Byzantine one flourished and lasted until 1453 when Constantinople was finally taken by the Ottomans.
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HISTORY: Before the word 'ferris wheel' came into existence, there has been several inventions similar to it for example, the 'pleasure wheel''.
Originally, Ferris wheel was designed and constructed by George Washington Gale Ferris Jr. in 1893 with a height of 264ft and it was intended to STAND THE 1,063FT EIFFEL TOWER. Eiffel tower was the centerpiece of the 1889 Paris Exposition.
Gale Ferris was a graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic institute and a Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
He began his career in the railroad industry and then pursued an interest in bridge building. Ferris understood the growing need for structural steel and founded G.W.G. Ferris & Co. in Pittsburgh, a firm that tested and inspected metals for railroads and bridge builders.
The parenting style most encouraged in modern America is Permissive. This parenting style requires that parents should be loving, giving children the freedom to make their own choice as much as possible. Permissive parents have few rules and do not stand over children like an authority figure. Authoritative is the opposite of permissive and here parents make rules and children have little say in making choices about themselves.