Grandmother hypothesis
The grandmother hypothesis is the result of a further developed mother hypothesis. The mother hypothesis suggests that the energy required to keep a woman fertile is better used in order to ensure that her offspring reproduce.
The grandmother hypothesis suggests that the grandmothers bolster the efforts of the mothers and make sure that their grandchildren's genetic interests are met. The grandmothers' can also increase the grandchild's social circle further increasing their chance to mate.
Russia is farthest east in Southeast Asia
To make more money is what I think the answer is
Intuitive thought
Intuitive thought is the sub-stage of Piaget's cognitive development theory. It is the sub-stage of the preoperational stage from age 2 to 7 years but the intuitive thought stage from 4 to 7 years. In intuitive thought sub-stage children are unaware of the knowledge they acquire. In this stage, children show the style of thinking that is called cent-ration. In this style of thinking children focus on only one side of a personal view. De-ceneration is the part of the conservation in this stage. In this stage children asking so many irrelevant questions. Through this, this process children built up their knowledge about the objects.