The market value of equity should be used.
Their are only two methods which are book value method or market value method. The market value method is preferred because the reason is that the market value gives the more accurate numerical value that the securities of the company will give which is the required rate of return to its investors. However historic cost data is not useful because the value of stock and bonds keeps changing every second in the stock exchange and their is the risk that the WACC calculated is inaccurate which implies that the project appraised is also incorrect.
So the best way to calculate the weighted cost of capital is that we should use the fair value of the securities.
Thank the representative and accept the offer to cover expenses of your participation.
The response that would be most effective for helping you to make an ethical decision is to thank the representative and accept the offer to cover expenses of your participation.
For being invited to participate on an expert panel that will be held at an upcoming professional conference is such a great privilege and opportunity, thus, you should first express your gratitude for the honor and accept the offer covering your expenses.
Having your expenses covered, would make you channel all your time and energy into preparing, researching and organized for the event.
101.12 million
<em>The present value of a future cash flow is the amount that can be invested today at a particular rate for a certain number of years to have the future cash flow </em>
The present value of the liability
= FV × (1+r)^(-n)
= 800 × (1.09)^(-24)
= 101.12 million
The present value of this liability= 101.12 million
<span>The basic earning per a share can be calculated by dividing the net income after taxes by the number of shares outstanding. Thus we have that the basic earning per share is 3,750,000/18,250,000 = .20547 dollars per share. The basic earning per share for peak performance is .205 dollars per share.</span>
Option D amount received by sellers minus the cost to sellers.
The producer surplus is the difference between the amount that the seller actually received and the amount the seller wants to receive.
Producer Surplus = Amount actually received by the seller - Amount the supplier wants to receive
All the remaining options discusses buyer influence which shows that these are totally incorrect and the only option that is correct is option D.