The correct answer is option glucose.
The glucose can be used as the immediate source of the energy. The cells can utilize the glucose to form the ATP molecules, which can be used as a source of energy by the body of the organism. The cellulose, chitin, and the glycogen are the polymers, they can only be utilized, once they are broken down into simpler forms.
I do not really know but i think that the answer is c but wait for other people
To find the volume of a rectangular object, measure the length, width and height. Multiply the length times the width and multiply the result by the height. The result is the volume. Give the result in cubic units, such as cubic centimeters.
De acuerdo a la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) el término enfermedad refiere a la alteración y/o deterioro del estado fisiológico normal de un individuo o partes de su cuerpo, cuyas causas a menudo son conocidas. A su vez, una enfermedad es conocida cuando possee un cuadro clínico con síntomas preestablecidos y característicos. Las enfermedades se pueden clasificar de acuerdo a muchos tipos diferentes de parámetros (por ejemplo, de acuerdo a su modo de transmisión en infecciosas/no infecciosas, hededitarias/ambientales, etc). Por otra parte, el concepto de salud se refiere a un estado de bienestar físico, mental y social del individuo, el cual no solamente está asociado a la ausencia de enfermedades.
Your body decided to heal that! but however depending on the depth and width of the cut the matter may heal more slowly! Ouch!! This is called cell reproduction. It happens when your body is hurt physically not emotionally! When this person was slicing the tomato if it was a deep long cut if they healed in a week then there may be a super human problem here! Notta bad thing but still kinda crazy! don't you think? So yessss I hope that this is helpful to you.