The scientific method is an unbiased technique to discover the natural world, draw inferences from it, and forecast the outcome of certain events, progressions, or changes. Scientists use it to speak about environmental problems because this method was established to enable the most accurate and impassionate evaluation of the situation.
Aspects of a study conducted of cars in a certain country will be to determine the general traits of consumer buying and motorists. This could include: whether a car runs on diesel or electricity to gain information for a survey on pollution of motor vehicles; also, size of a car, the frequency of use, the purpose of use, how old a car is and how many passengers are generally seated in the car. All of these factors can be used to glean invaluable information for the automotive industry, as well as for scientific studies and governments.
D. the American Revolution
The answer is false there were more poor people than rich
We are the Service Employees International Union, an organization of 2-million members united by the belief in the dignity and worth of workers and the services they provide and dedicated to improving the lives of workers and their families and creating a more just and humane society. Explanation: