Adrenaline rush aka fight or flight response
Epinephrine adrenaline and norepinephrine a release to focus attention on the task at hand heart rate and blood pressure increase delivering oxygen to the muscles for flight. The eyes take in more light to increase visual acuity and more sugar is released into the bloodstream to increase energy. Functions like digestion, reproductive, and urinary system are slowed
Supreme Court (top)
Courts of Appeal (middle)
District Courts (bottom)
The part of your nervous system that is similar to the autopilot of the airplane is the autonomic nervous system
The autonomic nervous system is regulated by the hypothalamus which in turn controls functions such as digestion, urination and other unconscious functions.
b if a bananas is grow in direct sunlight it will contain more potassium
Tests for gases
Hydrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, ammonia and chlorine can be identified using different tests.
Hydrogen. A lighted wooden splint makes a popping sound in a test tube of hydrogen.
Oxygen. A glowing wooden splint relights in a test tube of oxygen.