A topic that can be about a turning point in America, or its history, can be for example "How the emancipation proclamation paved way for equality". That is because many groups of citizens were inspired by this to fight for their own rights, groups like women or the lgbt population who asked for their own civil rights like the African-Americans had been guaranteed by amendments.
Its false because they dont controll the democracts
Left Panel
The one answer you can get rid of immediately is C. I don't see how low taxes can ever hurt anyone. It never has in the past and it doesn't now. So one of your answers cannot be c.
It's hard to pick the second on. I would say that your best choice is the second one. Sometimes as in Brazil, people generally accepted a monarch as ruler. Brazil is kind of an odd case though. They proclaimed their independence and then set up their own monarch. So 2 and 3 I don't think are answers.
I remember reading about the plagues in central America and that might not have been very helpful, but don't think it had a negative bearing on what happened.
Central Panel
Monroe was always, during his Presidency, very concerned about the colonization of states in South America. He had definate views on what should be done. His basic principle was "Hands off. America is for Americans." These remarks were not limited to the defense of the United States. He meant North and South America. The quotation you want, I think, is
...<em> by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintain are henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future by any European powers.</em>
Right Panel
As near as I can tell, the first one is the answer. There was infighting and chaos for sure and because the directorate was corrupt and concerned with its power, the economy ground to a halt. That was not good news for the people, who were starving and victims of disease.