random mating
The Hardy Weinberg principle of genetic equilibrium defines that gene and allelic frequencies will remain the same among the generations in an infinitely large interbreeding population. In this population the mating among the members of the population is random and no selection, migration and mutation will occur.
processing information that is received from the stimuli receptors
sending out information so that the body can react appropriately to stimuli
coordinating reflexes and reactions to stimuli
It goes back to its solid state in the glass, like when you leave out a glass of koolaid ,the water evaporates but it leaves a Orange powder residue
The main reason many people choose to avoid green action is that they think it will cost them more than their typical, environmentally harmful activities. Many times, it is true that environmental friendly products come with high up-front costs, but these costs almost always are made back over the lifetime of products. Many environmentally friendly products are far more efficient and cost-effective over their life-time than other, less clean options. For the most part, people are simply unaware of the economic benefits of going green. This lack of knowledge make consumers unwilling to make decisions that they perceive will cost them more money. No matter how dedicated to the environment a person is, if they believe it will lose them money, it is unlikely that they will ever do anything about it. While total spending on green products may be increasing in the United States, the market share remains dangerously low – typically making up only 3-5% of any given market.