It can either undergo mitosis or function as a unicellular body.
hope this helps
Microorganisms such as bacteria can be removed by disinfection. Certauns substances called biocides are addes to water to make it pure. Purification can also be done by UV-light .
Women should stand by at least two months after travel (or 2 months after symptoms started to manifest if they get sick) before trying to get pregnant.The waiting period is longer for men because Zika stays in semen longer than in other body fluids.
the answer is not A, B,D now get it it is Clear C protists
We examined the biogeographic patterns implied by early hominid phylogenies and compared them to the known dispersal patterns of Plio-Pleistocene African mammals. All recent published phylogenies require between four and seven hominid dispersal events between southern Africa, eastern Africa, and the Malawi Rift, a greater number of dispersals than has previously been supposed. Most hominid species dispersed at the same time and in the same direction as other African mammals. However, depending on the ages of critical hominid specimens, many phylogenies identify at least one hominid species that dispersed in the direction opposite that of contemporaneous mammals. This suggests that those hominids may have possessed adaptations that allowed them to depart from continental patterns of mammalian dispersal.
plz mark me as brainliest if this helped :)