I looked it up-Second Law: The amount of usable energy in the universe is steadily decreasing, while the level of disorganization is steadily increasing. ... in all natural processes some potential energy (organized energy) is always converted to kinetic energy (disorganized energy, usually in the form of heat). So your answer should be usable energy
The facilitated diffusion is a type of passive transport affected by different factors including the temperature and the pH level. The facilitated diffusion process is produced by proteins that enable the movement of molecules between both sides of the cell membrane.
The pH level depends on the ion gradient and this factor modifies the diffusion rate of the buffers between both sides of the cell membrane. Moreover, the temperature is a factor that modifies the ionic charge of molecules, as well as the structure and the porosity of pores that facilitate the interchange between both sides of the cell membrane
<span> This is an autosomal dominant disease, the mutant allele was not <span>inherited</span></span>
The liver stores glucose as glycogen and converts excess glucose to glucagon.
hope it helps you
For the friend, she will will have heavy rain, drizzlings, and maybe even some frozen rain and sleet for the next few days. For me, it is just regular days with sunny skies and just everything normal.