A motherboard is the main printed circuit board in general-purpose computers and other expandable systems. It holds and allows communication between many of the crucial electronic components of a system
computer-assisted self-interviewing
Based on the description of the interviewing method that is being provided, it can be said that this method is known as computer-assisted self-interviewing. Like mentioned in the question this is when interviewees answer the interview questions through a computer screen. This is similar to telephone interviews but it is instead through a computer.
I believe this is because you cannot represent the number sixteen with only four binary bits. The highest you can go is 15.
Answer: TOS
Terms of service is the agreement and the set of rules and regulations for the site visitors. It include all the terms and condition or the disclaimer when addressing the particular website.
Terms of service are set before designing the any type of the site and content in the system that restrict all the types of business that the users conduct in the site.
<span>CMYK means cyan, magenta, yellow, and key (black). They are the four color model used in color printing or printing color images. It lets you subtract the colors on the image. CMYK partially or fully masks colors on a lighter view. </span>