The computer technology that allows us to develop three-dimensional virtual environments (VEs) consists of both hardware and software. The current popular, technical, and scientific interest in VEs is inspired, in large part, by the advent and availability of increasingly powerful and affordable visually oriented, interactive, graphical display systems and techniques. Graphical image generation and display capabilities that were not previously widely available are now found on the desktops of many professionals and are finding their way into the home. The greater affordability and availability of these systems, coupled with more capable, single-person-oriented viewing and control devices (e.g., head-mounted displays and hand-controllers) and an increased orientation toward real-time interaction, have made these systems both more capable of being individualized and more appealing to individuals
A college meal plan allows students to PAY UPFRONT TO EAT A SPECIFIC NUMBER OF MEALS IN THE COLLEGE CAFETERIAS. Many colleges give students some degree of freedom when it comes to the choice of meal plans to sign up for. Students have to pay in advance for any meal they decide for.
use of vacume tubes to make circuit
use of punch cards as I/O devices
use of high electricity
use of magnetic drums
use of machine language and symbols in instuctons
Trademarks indicate the source/manufacturer of a product. Coca-Cola is a trademark, and it tells you which brand of cola you're buying (as opposed to Pepsi, or RC, or whatever).