Daddy I love you need to get me because I like you okay your hot and sunny
1). C
2). D
3). D
hope that helps
<span>Kinsey graded sexual orientation on a six-point scale. 1 being completely straight, 6 being completely gay. That makes 2 mostly straight, 3 bisexual, and 4 mostly gay. There are limitations to every linear scale, not allowing for deviation of any kind from the linear idealization. Kinsey had a fair idea of how to categorize sexual orientation, though, and was far ahead of his research contemporaries.</span>
The Federalist Papers. Beginning on October 27, 1787 the Federalist Papers were first published in the New York press under the signature of "Publius". These papers are generally considered to be one of the most important contributions to political thought made in America.
The Monroe Doctrine was to prevent further European colonization in the Western Hemisphere.
Monroe Doctrine, (December 2, 1823), cornerstone of U.S. foreign policy enunciated by Pres. James Monroe in his annual message to Congress. Declaring that the Old World and New World had different systems and must remain distinct spheres, Monroe made four basic points: (1) the United States would not interfere in the internal affairs of or the wars between European powers; (2) the United States recognized and would not interfere with existing colonies and dependencies in the Western Hemisphere; (3) the Western Hemisphere was closed to future colonization; and (4) any attempt by a European power to oppress or control any nation in the Western Hemisphere would be viewed as a hostile act against the United States.
In declaring separate spheres of influence and a policy of non-intervention in the foreign affairs of Europe, the Monroe Doctrine drew on past statements of American diplomatic ideals, including George Washington’s Farewell Address in 1796, and James Madison’s declaration of war with Britain in 1812.