The Government Charges A High Tax On Cigarettes And Gasoline Because These Are Things They Know People Will Want To Buy. Gas Is Something Most People Need As An Everyday Essential No Matter How High They Make The Tax Someone Will Pay For It Because Its Something They Need.
Answer: The correct option is (A) 
Step-by-step explanation: Given that Raymond has 120 books on his bookshelf that he has not read. He plans on reading 3 books per week until there are only 24 books that he still needs to read.
We are to find the equation that can be used to determine the number of weeks it will take Raymond to have only 24 books left.
Also, we are to find the number of weeks.
The number of weeks it will take Raymond to have only 24 books left is represented by 'w'.
We have
number of books read by Raymond is 1 week = 3.
So, number of books read by Raymond is w weeks = 3w.
Since, there are total 120 books on his bookshelf, so the number of books left to read after w weeks will be

According to the given information, we get

thus, the required equation is
and number of weeks is 32.
Option (A) is correct.
Step-by-step explanation:
this is the solution