Psychic stimulants include caffeine, cocaine, and various amphetamines. These drugs are used to enhance mental alertness and reduce drowsiness and fatigue.
Reception, transduction and responde
The type of regulation of gene expression that would have the greatest chance of success is Posttranslational control (E).
The defect is found on the structure of the protein, this means that the process of formation of the protein and the codons responsible for each amino acid in the protein is in correct order, this set the transcriptional and translational process aside as being correct.
Therefore, the problem lies in the formation of secondary or tertiary structure of the protein which requires a good number of proteins also, wherein lies tha main problem in the cell membrane protein. Thus the regulation of the posttranslational process and correction of the proteins needed at this stage will give the best chance of success.
The First 20 Elements and The Difference Between Elements, Compounds and Mixtures. Standard. 1 – H – Hydrogen – Odorless, Colorless and Flammable Gas. 2 – He – Helium – Colorless and Odorless. 3 – Li – Lithium – Low Melting Point and Low Density. 4 – Be – Beryllium – High Thermal Conductivity and Non Magnetic.