We have that the prescribed drug is Penicillin
Penicillin </h3>
Below are the instructions given to the patient taking the prescription
- Complete the dosage use of the drug
- Never use drugs once the seal is opened on purchase
- Keep the drug in a cool place.
- Use after eating
- Don't double the dosage if you missed it.
<h3>Strep throat
prescription and
Strep throat: This is a bacterial infection that can make the throat of a person or patient feel sore.
Strep throat is not a common cause of sore throat as it makes up for only a small portion of sore throats cases.
Penicillin will be prescribed
The instructions
- Complete the dosage use of the drug
- Never use drugs once the seal is opened on purchase
- Keep the drug in a cool place.
- Use after eating
- Don't double the dosage if you missed it.
More on Medication
if the youth volunteers, they will definitely be able to gain experience
on-hand. These experiences, knowledge and wisdom is not acquired during their
scholastic learnings. Whenever they apply for a job, they could vouch in their
activities as evidences of their abilities.</span>
Answer: 24 hours after diarrhea and vomiting have stopped
The next time he goes surfing, he will get tired a lot faster and will run out of breath a lot faster. He will also feel a lot more tired quicker than he used to.
Managementb isvthe answer i think