Spend some time to yourself, enjoy your favorite tv show while eating your favorite food, hang out with people who make you feel good about yourself, get a nice massage ever now and then
The right answer is the large intestine.
The colon is part of the digestive system. Also called the large intestine, the colon follows the small intestine and forms the last part of the digestive system. It consists of several parts:
the caecum (from which leaves the vermiform appendage);
the ascending colon (right);
the transverse colon;
the descending colon (left);
the sigmoid colon;
and the rectum.
Its role is mainly to eliminate waste, absorb water, maintain the water balance and absorb certain vitamins. Chyle from the small intestine lacks almost all (90%) of the nutrients already absorbed by the digestive system. Chyle mixes in the colon with mucus and intestinal bacteria to form the feces. Bacteria capable of digesting the fibers form new molecules that the colon is then able to assimilate.