The given statement is completely opposite of what actually happens. In an ethical and social system, it is a common principle that each and every member of a group bears responsibility for the well-being of other members. This simply means that the people are responsible for each other and the collective good of the system is above individual good ethically and everyone is supposed to look out for others. Hence the given statement is clearly false.
a. feelings of inferiority
The term Inferiority Complex was coined by Alfred Adler, Freud's first follower, who later dismissed him for disagreeing with some of the ideas of the pioneer of psychoanalysis. He believed that this feeling was inherent in man, and was born from the environment in which the child grew up. Dependent on her parents in the early stages of her development, seemingly weak and therefore still unable to do certain things, she had before her the ideal environment for the emergence of this complex. To balance this disorder, the human being then generates feelings of superiority, trying to gain some psychic advantages.
Adler believed that the core of the human being is populated by power struggles, inferior feelings and competitions. This is how man seeks the attention of his companions, tries to stand out in the midst of the whole and defend himself from an aggressive and unknown environment. These processes contribute to the development of the personality of the individual. According to him, feelings of inferiority often motivate people and tend to help them seek a sense of superiority.
What is the variance for the following population Scores Scores 5 2 5 4?
B. Production costs is the correct answer.