230 kcal.
Based on studies and research conducted by various nutrition specialists as well as the 2015–2020 version of the Dietary Guidelines, Felix will limit his daily intake of added sugars to less than 230 kcal. This will allow Felix to meet the recommended sugar intake, based on his general daily food consumption.
Bowel incontinence is an inability to control bowel movements, resulting in involuntary soiling. It's also sometimes known as faecal incontinence. The experience of bowel incontinence can vary from person to person. Some people feel a sudden need to go to the toilet but are unable to reach a toilet in time.
Heart attack
They could be many conditions. However, with that medical history (diabetes and high blood pressure) it would be easy to think of a heart attack. Since patients with diabetes are more likely to suffer and this probability increases at a more advanced age, and if the patient manages high blood pressure, his heart works too hard to pump the blood, which can lead to the breakdown of one of the plates and thus form a clot. The interruption of blood flow can damage or destroy a part of the heart muscle causing a myocardial infarction (heart attack). Among the warning symptoms is pain at the level of the heart valve, chest pressure with a feeling of discomfort and being full, as well as diarrhea.