Carbon dioxide
Because The heart pumps the oxygen to the muscles that are doing the exercise. When you exercise and your muscles work harder, your body uses more oxygen and produces more carbon dioxide.
caste certificate was issued by the govt and they are given equal opportunity as in the rural and urban areas. they have reserved seats in election also
Hope this helped.
Answer: The glycemic index is a system of assigning a number to carbohydrate-containing foods according to how much each food increases blood sugar. The glycemic index itself is not a diet plan but one of various tools such as calorie counting or carbohydrate counting for guiding food choices.
A) botulism
According to the FDA botulism is found in improperly canned foods
Answer: With a slope of 2 and a y-intercept of 7. If the problem is y=7x+2.
The student swapped the y-intercept and the slope placement. The student should take gotten y= 2x+7 as the equation.