Answer: Burping (also known as "belching" or "eructation") is one way the human body expels excess gas in your digestive system. It occurs when your stomach fills with air, which can be caused by swallowing food and liquids. Drinking carbonated beverages, such as soda, is known to increase burping because its bubbles have tiny amounts of carbon dioxide in them.
As an avid soda drinker and statistics student, you notice you tend to burp more after drinking root beer than you do after drinking cola. You decide to determine whether there is a difference between the number of burps while drinking a root beer and while drinking a cola. To determine this, you select 20 students at random from high school, have each drink both types of beverages, and record the number of burps. You randomize which beverage each participant drinks first by flipping a coin. Both beverages contain 12 fluid ounces.
An embolus <span>occurs when a clot breaks free from an artery wall and travels through the circulatory system until it lodges in a small artery and suddenly shuts off blood flow to the tissues.</span>
Answer :— Physical properties of plastic samples collected by SEA in the Atlantic Ocean indicate the collected material is made of HDPE (high density polyethylene), LDPE (low density polyethylene), and PP (polypropylene), which are used to make common household items such as milk jugs, plastic bags, and drinking straws.Plastics and polystyrene foam (Styrofoam) comprise 90% of all marine debris, with single-use food and beverage containers being one of the most common items found in ocean and coastal surveys.
Hope you understand