move to a place where his welding skills will be valued and in demand in the marketplace
If Nick wants to maximize his human capital (Labour) and his wealth accumulation (income) and since he got unemployed since their is high unemployment in his town and region, he needs to move or relocate somewhere else where he can get a job to maximize his Labour and earn an income
Financial advisor.
A financial advisor is an investment advisor at your local bank branch office. They are licensed professionals with the ultimate responsibility of providing financial guidance or expert advice around investments, tax planning etc for customers in a financial institution.
A process is a collection of tasks,steps,or activities that are performed
D) It would not be recorded.
FASB means Financial Accounting Standards Board.
Financial Accounting Standards Board is a private, non-profit organization standard-setting body whose primary purpose is to establish and improve Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) within the United States in the public's interest. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) designated the FASB as the organization responsible for setting accounting standards for public companies in the US.
No matter what kind of restriction a donor might impose, FASB standards require nonprofits to report finances in a way that makes it clear which funds have donor restrictions and which funds come without donor restrictions. FASB standards are in three categories: “unrestricted,” “temporarily restricted,” and “permanently restricted.”
Unrestricted are those items that have no donor-imposed restrictions
Temporarily Restricted are those items that were received with a donor-imposed restriction that will be satisfied in the future (generally within one year)
Permanently restricted assets are funds of a nonprofit organization that must be used in designated ways and whose principal cannot be touched.
Since the school will recieve the pledge ONLY if it is able to raise $500,000 in funds over the next year, then the pledge would not be recorded