In the south, paramilitary groups aimed at undoing reconstruction overthrew elected governments in a movement/process they called?
Vietnam was divide because North Vietnam wanted communism meanwhile the south was/wanted capitalist/capitalism, so their ideas, perspectives and goals were divided in the country, which divided the country into two.
Smith favored buying farm surpluses, while Hoover believed in funding organizations that would help farmers with the surpluses
A major difference in the political platforms of Herbert Hoover and Alfred Smith is that Smith favored buying farm surpluses, while Hoover believed in funding organizations that would assist farmers with the surpluses.
Herbert Clark Hoover who was born on August 10, 1874 and died on October 20, 1964 was an American engineer, businessman, and politician who was elected as the 31st president of the United States in 1929 to 1933. Hoover was a member of the Republican Party, and he held office during the beginning of the Great Depression. Prior to serving as president, Hoover led the Commission for Relief in Belgium and was the director of the United States Food Administration, and served as the 3rd U.S. Secretary of Commerce.
When the United States entered the war, President Woodrow Wilson appointed Hoover to lead the Food Administration, and Hoover was widely known as the country's "food czar". After the war, Hoover led the American Relief Administration, which made available food to the inhabitants of Central Europe and Eastern Europe.
Alfred Emanuel Smith who was born in December 30, 1873 and died on October 4, 1944 was an American politician and the Governor of New York who served four terms during his time and was also the Democratic Party's candidate for president in 1928, and also favored buying farm surpluses during his time.
Apenas as afirmações I, II e IV estão corretas
O utilitarismo foi uma corrente filosófica do século XVIII que exerceu influência determinante sobre o desenvolvimento da teoria econômica dos séculos XIX e XX, de matriz neoclássica. Tendo Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) como seu principal expoente, o utilitarismo parte da máxima de que toda a motivação humana, em qualquer tempo e lugar, pode ser reduzida a um único princípio: maximizar o prazer e minimizar a dor. Essa máxima, derivada de uma filosofia do indivíduo, tornou-se o paradigma econômico dominante, representado pela escola neoclássica. Sob essa ótica, toda e qualquer análise econômica deveria partir do princípio do indivíduo como agente racional maximizador de prazeres e utilidade. No campo da teoria econômica, o cálculo do máximo prazer torna-se o cálculo do máximo lucro, e esse cálculo é sempre o comportamento esperado e justificado como racional.
Tendo o utilitarismo como fundamentação filosófica da ação individual, essa corrente rejeitou as teorias do valor-trabalho como explicação da formação do valor de troca e do preço das mercadorias, colocando em seu lugar a teoria do valor utilidade.
The answer is D, the Columbian Exchange. I hope this helps!