IHD = 0
Given that
Number of carbon atoms(n) = 6
Number of hydrogen atoms(x') = 15
Number of nitrogen atoms = 1
There is nitrogen atoms then x = x' -1
The index of hydrogen deficiency given as


IHD = 0
The index of hydrogen deficiency is zero.
health issues and physical encounters
D, the more liquid there is, the less the temperature will be affected
The tert-butyl chloride in ethanol would surely react faster than the solvolysis of 1-chloro-2,2-dimethyl propane. It is known that both reactions are under the SN2 category so it would be hard for these reactions to occur. However, SN1 reactions are possible because of the ethanol which is a polar solvent. Both would form carbocations but tert-butyl chloride forms a more stable carbocation while the 1-chloro-2,2-dimethyl propane forms a primary carbocation only.