The female mosquitoes are the dangerous ones. They bite and draw blood. Male mosquitoes feed on flower nectar. Males have very hairy and fuzzy antennae (like a powder puff) whereas females have less hairy antennae.
The two main adaptations that desert animals must make are how to deal with lack of water and how to deal with extremes in temperature. Many desert animals avoid the heat of the desert by simply staying out of it as much as possible. ... The kidneys of desert animals concentrate urine, so that they excrete less water. Hope this helps!!
Permeable soil will let more water and air to drain through the plant as this type of soil loses too much water.
A soil possessing an enhanced quality to transfer water is known as permeable soil. Hence, there would be more drainage in the soil with enhanced permeability. Permeable soil loses more water as compared to the impermeable ones. Hence, choosing permeable soil would be best for plants that require a lot of drainage. To check permeability of soil two types of tests are performed which are the constant head method and falling head method.
The third cat is heterogeneous