I'd say 6.9 paces per mile.
Step-by-step explanation:
Assuming we need to find i such that
1 ≤ i ≤ n and t[i]=i.
If we need to find only the first occurrence, we can do:
for i:1 to n {
if t[i]=i then return(i)
If exhaustive search is required, then put the results (values of i) in an array or a linked list, return the number of values found, and the array (or linked list).
Step-by-step explanation:
the answer is d, tan = (cateto opuesto / cateto adyascente)
We know that 1 million has 6 zeros. This means 1 million has 7 place values: one for the 1 and 6 for the zeros.
50 has 1 more place value than one, so 50 million has 1 more place value than 1 million.
So, 50 million has 8 place values.
If you were to have (3,2) and find the reflection of the y axis, it would turn y into a negative, making it (3,-2).