The right answers are mentioned in the picture.
A base pair (bp) is the pairing of two nucleobases located on two complementary strands of DNA or RNA. This pairing is carried out by hydrogen bridges. There are four types of nucleic bases: A-T-C-G, these letters Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine, and Guanine. A with T and C with G.
It is also necessary to take into account the antiparallel character of the DNA strands. If a strand is in the 5 '3' direction, its complete strand is in the 3 '5' direction.
A. The mutation that occurs during meiosis is a sure way of gene splitting I presume:)
The main function of the RB protein is to inhibit the transition from the G1 to S phase. Its activity depends on its phosphorylation state: if RB is not phosphorylated (active state), it is bound to the transcription factor E2F, preventing its translocation to the nucleus and the activation of genes necessary for DNA synthesis; and if it is phosphorylated, by cyclin-CDK complexes, E2F is released and cell proliferation occurs.
Retinoblastoma (Rb) was the first tumor suppressor described and, as we know today, mutations in its structure determine a large number of cancers. Structurally, we speak of a large and multifunctional protein; which is organized in different domains. The activity of this protein is regulated, mainly, by phosphorylation at multiple sites described over the years and is involved in control mechanisms of the cell cycle, apoptosis and senescence.
Answer: Las células son las unidades de construcción más básicas de la vida. Todos los seres vivos están compuestos por células.
An example of biodiversity is a greater variety of genes and species