because ur hart pumps faster and then blood flow increases and the you have more blood delivery to your body
Marijuana is a stimulant.
because this fuel is generated by the breakdown of organic matter by anaerobic bacteria and is used in energy production . It is a renewable energy source produced biologically through anaerobic digestion. It occurs naturally in compost heaps, as swamp gas, and as a result of enteric fermentation in cattle and other ruminants. It is burned to generate heat or used in combustion engines to produce electricity.
Temporary teeth
I -
3/3 C - 1/1 P - 4/4 M - 0/0 = 16 x 2 =
Permanent teeth
I -
3/3 C - 1/1 P - 4/4 M - 3/3 = 22 x 2 =
where I = incisors, C = canines, P =
premolars and M = molars
Dental formula can be defined as the number of teeth on one
side of the upper jaw over the number the same type of the number of teeth at the
lower jaw. Thus, the formula is for one side of the mouth and the total number
of teeth is the total in the formula multiply by 2.