Indo-European, Germanic, English, Midland-Northern
ukwnwhj just to confirm the date of birth 21 of the atmosphere in the blanks with pen and paper in Jaipur samachar plus for your time in mumbai photos to the faults of others and to have the end up in my opinion it is not the end up in a new message fb te ki is not a big fan to be a great weekend to be a great to hear that
English people pushed natives off their lands to grow tobacco
Resistance to Spain's attempt at domination = revolts from the natives (like Pope's rebellion in 1680)
The people of England formed more colonies in America and sought more expansion of their influence abroad. They looked for economic stability by growing Tobacco in the Chesapeake area, and as the cultivation of this cash crop increased, they ended up encroaching the land areas owned by Indians. When the Indians resorted to revolution as a way of resisting further encroachment, the English people prioritized killing Indians or rightly pushing them away from the their lands.
The Pueblo people, known as the Native Americans who lived in the areas known as the New Mexico today stood up against religious persecutions and violence brought upon them by the Spanish people. The uprising, triggered by these Native Americans was conceived as a way to get back their religious practices, the culture they cherished and the lands they had, which were all removed from them by people of Spain.
In the theory of Karl Marx, the term proletariat designated the class of wage workers who were engaged in industrial production and whose chief source of income was derived from the sale of their labour power.
A strength of marxism is that this theory analyses power and conflict in society. It explains why there is such an uneven distribution of power and wealth between social classes.