Explanation: Non Native species come in many ways one way is by boat or some other form of transportation where whether its a plant or animal is either brought on purpose legally, brought illegally, or brought by accident. Like maybe a disease someone didn't know they had or a bug or other animal sneaks on undetected
D. a clown jumping out should be correct.
that should be correct if not let me know so i can help:)
Comparing the two sequences, you can see that one G nucleotide is missing in the new sequence compared to the original.
This is a single nucleotide deletion, where one nucleotide is lost from the sequence. Otherwise, the sequence is entirely unchanged.
Bacteria that are non-controlled or destroyed by antibiotics are antibiotic-resistant bacteria. In the presence of an antibiotic, they will live and even develop. At least certain antibiotics can become immune to most infection-causing bacteria.
Some bacteria are immune to such antibiotics naturally. In most species found within the human digestive system, for example, benzylpenicillin has very little impact.
soil and vegetative matter screening for soil structure integrity and invasive pathogens
Repeated use of fertilizer causes the soil to break down and lose it nutrient capacity. This in turn will affect the integrity of the plants, now in a nutrient deficit environment. In addition to this, soil micro-biome environment may also be compromised once soil structure and nutrient is lost. Some of the bacteria, fungi and protozoan in the soil plays a role in defense against invasive pathogens. When this is lost the possibility for infection and increased risk of unknown pest and disease is imminent.