core competencies
From the question we are informed about who Spring Resources LLC creates unique value by establishing a learning organization that coordinates various production tactics and assimilates different types of technologies. This knowledge is distributed to the entire organization so that its branches can adapt and perform according to their own markets. These tactics and technologies distributed throughout the organization that create value for Spring Resources LLC are termed
Core competencies.
Core competencies can be regarded as resources as well as capabilities which comprise all strategic advantages of a business.
A. home health aides; computer programmers
When developing career goals, it is important to have the mindset that dramatic changes can and often do occur in the job market. In considering the data in your text, it can be seen that the profession of _____ experienced a dramatic increase over the past decade, while careers as ______ have experienced a substantial decrease during the same time frame.
A. home health aides; computer programmers
B. flight attendants; machinists
C. telemarketers; public relations specialists
D. financial managers; child care workers
The five M's of advertising are mission, money, message, media, and measure. Among the five, Jasmine's focus is media. She wants to make sure that the type of platform she uses can help get the message across more effectively. She is also focused on the specification and style of the ad she will publish via print media.
Food Prices Rise for 4 Reasons
Grocery prices have risen 2-3% each year since 1990. There are four causes of this inflation in world food prices.
First, high gas prices prices lead to higher food prices. Food is transported great distances, especially if imported. That raises shipping costs, which translates into higher food prices. High gas prices are caused by high oil prices cause high gas prices. It usually takes about six weeks for increases in oil futures to translate to the pump.
Oil byproducts are also used to make fertilizer. That contributes 20% of the cost of raising grain. Higher oil prices increase corn, wheat, and soybean cost by 40% between 2001 and 2007.
Second, the U.S. government subsidizes corn production that is used for bio-fuels. This takes corn out of the food supply, raising prices. America now uses 40% of its corn crop to make ethanol. That's up from 6% in 2000. (Source: "Oily Food," The Economist<span> , October 10, 2015)</span>
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