Individuals adapt to their environments and, thereby, evolve
Natural selection is the main process which advances evolution by aiding organisms to survive and produce more offspring through adapting more to their environment. Mutations, gene transfer, and genetic variations also drive evolution.
Both natural selection and evolution work on genetic behaviors in populations rather than individuals. Both natural selection and evolution are involved in generating changes over generations. Examples of evolution is the disappearing of tail bone, decreased head size and for natural selection example is the long and short necked giraffe.
Hutton: created the idea that a (water erosion basically)continuing process formed and destroyed the rocks and soils of the Earth and that the process was a never ending loop.
Hutton laid the conceptual foundation for uniformitarianism geology
Lyell: added names and ages to the different layers of rocks
Lyell built the structure of geology upon that foundation
B - Antibiotics
Antivirals treat viruses, antifungals treat fungi, and OTC treatments are merely symptomatic treatment. Antibiotics typically dissolve the cell wall of bacteria meaning they explode, so they actually kill the bacteria.