The best answer to the question, would be: The reaction that is now generated in Steve whenever he enters his AP History class as now he associates it not with fear, stress and insecurity, but rather, with good feelings and a sense of empowerment.
Classical conditioning is a theory in psychology that attempts to explain how human beings adapt and respond to their environment. Classical conditioning has become best known for the "Little Albert" experiment, in which a child was exposed to a series of stimulus to condition his fear response. As the stimuli were presented in succession, accompanied by a second stimulus that generated fear, it was seen that little Albert now associated, and responded, to similar stimulus as the ones that generated fear, without having to be prepared for it. The response had been conditioned into him. In the case of Steve, the process is almost the same, but the response that becomes ingrained in him is a positive one. He first fears his AP class because he does not have the conditions the others do. However, the positive remarks, and constant praise from the teacher, finally transforms Steve´s reaction of fear into one of security and comfort and in the end, now he does not need his teacher to say anything; he already feels secure in his class because he has associated his teacher´s praise with the class itself.
1 is so that you could hear better. 2 is so that it is not wrong and one opinion may be different from everyone elses.
Advise the patient to change their diet after they have the surgery. For instance, putting a limit on sugary foods and eating less.
The answer is Causes ovaries to release extra eggsThe hormone method of birth control will mimic the formulation of estrogen and progesterone in women's body.Through this, they could control and prevent pregnancy by preventing ovulation process from happening.