Therefore, when creating a theme statement, it's important to remember:
Don't mention specific books, names or events.
Avoid clichés (for example, love makes the heart grow fonder).
Do not summarize the work.
Avoid absolute terms (for example, always, none).
Don't overgeneralize (for example, love is love).
kindergarten in a busy and crowdy city
I think so
Assuming you are talking about America in general using the statement American.
-Valuing what other cultures offer
-Respect for differences
-Recognition of an abundant diverse amount of cultures
Universal is the correct answer.
Universal means something that is applicable in all cases, or can be shared by all people in general, which makes sense in the sentence since you are talking about something that is shared by a wide variety of people. As well, localized means a small group, archetypal means a certain type of person and current means now, none of these fit the description given. Therefore universal is the best choice.