It would be the respiratory system
you attend to any illness or disease by going to the doctor at the first sign of it
you make sure that your health choices reduce the risk of potentially negative situations.
Star brightness is defined by either <span>D. apparent magnitude - when we measure it from Earth (that is how bright it is from Earth) - this is the closest to "basic observation" and the best answer
or by absolute magnitute - how bright it would be at a certain distance (this allows to compare the brightness).
Pleomorphism (microbiology): the ability of some bacteria to alter their shape or size in response to environmental conditions. Dedifferentiated liposarcoma is the least common subtype of liposarcoma and usually arises from a well-differentiated liposarcoma (WDLPS). Progression occurs. in 17 % of patients when WDLPS is located in the retroperitoneum and 6% of cases when WDLPS is located in the extremities.