The complete program is as follows:
m_str = input('Input m: ')
mass = float(m_str)
e = mass * 300000000**2
print("e = ",e)
This is an unchanged part of the program
m_str = input('Input m: ')
This converts m_str to float
mass = float(m_str)
This calculates the energy, e
e = mass * 300000000**2
This is an unchanged part of the program
print("e = ",e)
Electromagnetic waves is a propagating medium used in all communications device to transmit data (messages) from the device of the sender to the device of the receiver.
Generally, the most commonly used electromagnetic wave technology in telecommunications is radio waves.
Radio waves can be defined as an electromagnetic wave that has its frequency ranging from 30 GHz to 300 GHz and its wavelength between 1mm and 3000m. Therefore, radio waves are a series of repetitive valleys and peaks that are typically characterized of having the longest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum.
Basically, as a result of radio waves having long wavelengths, they are mainly used in long-distance communications such as the carriage and transmission of data.
In the field of telecommunication, all telecommunication setup are designed and developed to make use of two network devices: one device is typically used for the transmission of data while the other device is used to receive data that are sent on the network.
Generally, cell towers are tall poles that are used to transmit frequencies to mobile phones.
myPetA = pet(self, 'dog', 'Spot')
I mite be wrong
I actually have this problem all the time. Rarely any of my questions get answered and I see this happening to other people all the time. It's crazy.
Following are the code to this question:
list_val = input()#defining a integer variable for input value
test_grades = list(map(int, list_val.split()))#defining test_grades as a list
sum_extra = -999 #defining sum_extra that holds negative integer value
sum_extra = 0#defining sum_extra that holds value
for y in range(len(test_grades)):#defining a for loop to check range of list
if(test_grades[y] > 100):# defining if block that check list value is greater then 100
sum_extra = sum_extra + (test_grades[y] - 100)#use sum_extra variable to hold extra value and add this value
print('Sum extra:', sum_extra)#print value
101 83 107 90
Sum extra: 8
In the above code a, "list_val" variable is declared, that uses an input method to input the values and declared a "test_grades" variable that uses a list method to add all values in the list.
In the next step, the "sum_extra" variable is declared, which holds some values and defines a for loop to check the range of the "test_grades", and define a if block, that checks list value is greater than 100. If the condition is true, it will remove the extra value, and add it into the sum_extera variable and add its value, and at the last use, print variable to print its value.