Lipids are about 90% fat, and gradually give up triglycerides as they circulate through the capillaries.
Drea shouldn't drink any. Her "friends" are liars too.
Drea was just minding her business, and then her friends come along and try to pressure her?! Obviously, they're not her friends. They full face, through the yellow of their alcohol soaked teeth lied to her! Alcohol has a terrible impact on the body, and they wanted to put that on their friend? Not cool.
Walking, you tend not to move alot
Having body fat contributes to having a menstrual cycle. If a woman loses too much body fat, she can stop having her menstrual cycle because you need a certain amount for it to be able to function as normal. I don't think the body would benefit from ceasing to menstruate, because at that point it isn't really healthy. However, usually if a woman gains back some of the body fat or starts eating fattier foots/exercising less, her period will start again.