<u><em>In economics, we cannot accurately predict what individuals , so any model that attempts to predict the behavior all will ultimately fail. , so any model that attempts to predict the behavior all will ultimately fail.</em></u><span><u><em> </em></u></span>
La conquista romana de Italia . Alrededor de 500 a. C., el idioma latino solo se hablaba en la ciudad de Roma y en el campo circundante.
Resultado de imagen para describir la conquista romana de Italia
La expansión romana en Italia cubre una serie de conflictos en los que Roma pasó de ser una pequeña ciudad-estado italiana a ser la gobernante de la península italiana . ... El nacimiento de la República romana después del derrocamiento del monarca etrusco de Roma en 509 a. C. comenzó una serie de guerras importantes entre los romanos y los etruscos.
Answer: School Judges should not be able to hand down sentences based on the characteristics based on the individual. I know this because everybody makes mistakes, and if you base a person off the mistakes they might've made in the past, your biased and unfair. From my background knowledge, I remember a show on TV called divorce court, this man was judged because of mistakes he did when he was fifteen, he didn't even know better, and he might've been battling his own mind, he didn't deserve to be judged based on his past mistakes. In conclusion, judges should not be able to hand down sentences based on the characteristics of an individual because it's biased.
Answer: E.consists of the president and the many regulatory agencies the president oversees.
The executive branch of the federal government consist of the President and many regulatory agencies the president presides over or oversees.
The slaves in homes were considered more trustworthy. Working in the house was much easier than working in the fields