Answer-The correct option is option d with says all of the above.
Explanation- All three acids that are given combined together to form acid rain in which nitric and sulphuric acid are stronger acids present while carbonic acid is a weaker one.
The carbon dioxide admitted in air combines with water to form carbonic acid and gives a weak acidic nature to rainwater. Pollution in nature makes sulphur and nitrogen present in air react to form the stronger acids responsible for acid rain.
For a flower to appear blue, "it needs to be able to produce a molecule that can absorb very small amounts of energy," in order to absorb the red part of the spectrum, Kupferschmidt said.
A.The concentration of water is greater outside the cell than inside the cell.
The contractile vacuole of certain organisms functions to regulate water flow in and out of the cell. It does this by storing excess water that comes into the cell. In the case of this organism with a filled up contractile vacuole, it means water is flowing into the cell.
Naturally, water will flow into a living cell when an osmotic gradient i.e. difference in concemtration, has been created between intracellular and extracellular solutions. Osmosis involves movement of substances from a region of high water concentration to a region of low water concentration. This means that if water is flowing into the cell, which is stored by the contractile vacuole, the concentration of water must be greater outside the cell than inside.
The final dilution is 1:400
Let's analyze what we are told: we have an initial 1:5 dilution of protein lysate. This means that the initial solution (stock solution) was diluted 5 times. Then, from this dilution the student prepared another dilution taking 2 mL of the first dilution in 8 mL of water. This is the same as saying we took 1 mL of first dilution in 4 mL of water (the ratio is the same), so we now have a second 1:4 dilution of the first dilution (1:5). Finally, the student made a third 1:20 dilution, this means that the second dilution was further diluted 20 times.
So, to calculate the final dilution of protein lysate, we have to multiply all the dilution factors of every dilution prepared: in this case we have a final dilution of 1:20, this means we have a factor dilution of 20. But it was previously diluted 4 times, so we have a factor dilution of 20×4 = 80. However, this dilution was also previously diluted 5 times, so the new dilution factor is 80 × 5 = 400
This means that the final dilution of the compound was diluted a total of 400 times compared to the initial concentration of stock solution.
Ionic compounds generally form between elements that are metals and elements that are nonmetals. For example, the metal calcium (Ca) and the nonmetal chlorine (Cl) form the ionic compound calcium chloride (CaCl2). In this compound, there are two negative chloride ions for each positive calcium ion