Japan gained control over Korea in 1910, and it remained part of its empire until the end of WWII in 1945. This happened during the rule of the Meiji government in Japan. Their rule over Korea ended when the US and Soviet forces took it away from them.
In nearly all the countries surveyed, large majorities believe it is necessary to believe in God in order to be moral and have good values. Clear majorities in almost every country believe that Western music, movies and television have hurt moral standards. South Africa and Guinea Bissau are the only exceptions to this finding, and even in those nations a plurality of the survey respondents view Western entertainment as exerting a harmful moral influence. On the other hand, majorities in most countries say they personally like Western TV, movies and music, with Christians particularly inclined to say so. And in many countries, people are more inclined to say there is not a conflict between being a devout religious person and living in modern society than to say there is a conflict.
The Tanzimat Reforms was the second attempt in the nineteenth century to modernize the government, military, trade, law and society in the Ottoman Empire. The overall goal of these reforms was to have the country catch up with the development reached by European countries in the last couple of centuries. However, the <em>ulema</em>, or religious establishment of the Ottoman Empire objected top these reforms on the basis of their 'infidel' origin.
Even though the Tanzimat reforms were welcomed by the Ottoman society, further political changes were required, such as the the issuing of a constitution and the creation of a parliament to share the political power with the monarchy. The sultan felt the reforms were going too fast and too far, while different groups within the Ottoman society, such as the Young Turks, felt that more was needed and quickly.
As more and more politicians opposing the monarchy became members of the parliament, constituting an effective political opposition counterbalancing the sultan's authority, the sultan ordered its suspension in 1908 leading to the Young Turk Revolution. The next year, the parliament was restored and the basis for the abolition of the monarchy was laid down as local government administrations, which had effectively rejected reforms to a great extent, were mostly replaced by reformist administrations.
communal slavery
The endomienda system was a system applied by the Spanish Crown in its new territories in the Americas. Through this system, certain individuals that had some accomplishments were given large amounts of land in the Americas. Apart from being granted land, they were also granted a certain group of people to work for them. The people that were granted to them had to work on their lands, and they also had to pay tribute to the owners. Even though this was not a formal way of slavery, it still can be considered a form of slavery, as the people were stripped of most of their rights, and they were in a possession of the owners of the lands, thus creating a communal slavery type.
The comptroller of public accounts is so important to the
legislature due to the significance of their role which entails informing the
legislature on expenditure. The most important role of the comptroller is telling
estimating the budget and informing the legislature the amount of money it can
spend on the budget.