Synthesis - 4
reversible- 2
exchange- 1
In synthesis reaction two or more components combines to form a single product. example 2H2+O2⇒2H2O
In reversible reaction two reactants combine to form two products . The products then reacts and forms back the reactants. example N2 +3H2 ⇒2NH3
In exchange reaction there is an alternation of ions of reactants to form new products. AB+CD ⇒AC + BD
In decomposition reaction, molecules of a compound break down by the action of heat or light or catalyst. example CaCO3 ⇒CaO +CO2
ocean water liquid and steel solid
a H2CO3 b HCO3- and c H+ and HCO3-
As the pKa value of phenol is more than that of carbonic acid(H2CO3), the carbonic acid will have high Ka value than that of phenol.
The acid that contain high Ka value act as stong acid.From that point of view H2CO3 is a strong acid than phenol as the Ka value of carbonic acid is greater than that of phenol.
The conjugate base of H2CO3 is bicarbonate ion(HCO3-)
c The species that predorminates at equilibrium are H+ and HCO3-
An iso pentane is an isomeric form of n-pentane. Isomers have same molecular formula but differ in the atomic arragement projected in 3D and the arrangement of atoms primarily resulting to a different set of properties. In this case, isopentane also has a molecular formula of an alkane <span>C5H12</span>
In general an acid reacts with a carbonate or hydrogen-carbonate to produce a salt, carbon dioxide gas and water.