The journey the tribes were forced to embark on was nothing short of a disaster. Poor weather, disease, disorganization and famine plagued the tribes traveling to their new land. During the winter on the trail it is said that the weather was unbearable cold, which caused many difficulties for the tribes.
There are many problems which arise when festivals are celebrated in my community.
1. Excess sound pollution.
2.Disagreement on each other's ideas to celebrate.
3. Serious accidents caused while preparing for the festival. And so on..
Hope this helps you!
Answer: Construct Validity
Construct Validity is a measure of how well a test is structured to examine the fact or event we actually want to measure. Put simply, do the variables we are trying to measure and labels we assign them reflect the idea that we intend?
In this question, the threat to construct validity is that black/white does not refer to race but social status due to the culture where the terms are used. The labels used here will translate into a test that measures a completely different idea, and will also generate different results from what is intended.