Answer: They drew his chariot when Achilles left home for the Trojan War.
The horses, who were immortal, were given by Poseidon as a gift to Achilles's father Peleus upon his wedding to the goddess Thetis: magnificent racing stallions, gifts of the gods to Peleus, shining immortal gifts. Peleus then gave the horses to Achilles to draw his chariot when his son left home for the Trojan War.
You will be surely helped by them
Passive is when they will do something.
Irony is an important element in the work of Sophocles. The plot of the tragedy takes shape in the way Oedipus is in the seek for salvation of the plague. He is determined to find the man responsible, however, ironically it is himself the one who caused it. Eyes are to allow us to see, but in the case of Oedipus it is also ironic that he has his sight in good condition, although he is unable and refuses to see the real truth. A third example of irony would be that Thiresias, a blind prophet, has the capacity to contemplate and see the actual origin of the suffering of Thebes, in spite of his physical inability.
because the review helps us to summarize the written wirk
Other nonverbal ways to display confidence include having good posture, maintaining appropriate eye contact, and smiling. Practicing ahead of time will help you appear competent, but you should listen carefully and make sure you are answering the question asked.